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Advantages and disadvantages of tempered glass

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce tempered glass to you. The following content is organized by Xiaobian for reference.oversized glassTempered glass/Reinforced glass Glass with compressive stress on the surface. Also known as tempered glass. The glass is reinforced by the tempering method.Tempered glass/Reinforced glass is safety glass. Tempered glass is actually a kind of prestressed glass. In order to improve the strength of the glass, chemical or physical methods are usually used to form compressive stress on the surface of the glass. When the glass is subjected to external force, it first offsets the surface stress, thereby improving the bearing capacity and enhancing the resistance of the glass itself. Wind pressure, cold and heat, impact, etc. Pay attention to distinguish it from glass fiber reinforced plastic.Advantages of tempered glassThe first is that the strength is several times higher than that of ordinary glass, and it is resistant to bending.Second, it is safe to use. The increased bearing capacity improves the fragile nature. Even if the tempered glass is damaged, it will be small fragments without acute angles, which greatly reduces the damage to the human body. Compared with ordinary glass, the resistance to rapid cooling and rapid heating of tempered glass is improved by 3 to 5 times. It is a type of safety glass. To ensure the safety of qualified materials for high-rise buildings.shortcomingDisadvantages of tempered glass:1. The tempered glass can no longer be cut and processed. The glass can only be processed to the required shape before tempering, and then tempered.2. Although the strength of tempered glass is stronger than that of ordinary glass, tempered glass has the possibility of self-explosion (self-breaking), while ordinary glass does not have the possibility of self-explosion.3. The surface of the tempered glass will be uneven (wind spots), with a slight thickness thinning. The reason for the thinning is that after the glass is softened by hot melt, it is rapidly cooled by strong wind, so that the crystal gap inside the glass becomes smaller and the pressure becomes larger, so the glass is thinner after tempering than before tempering. Under normal circumstances, 4~6mm glass will be thinned by 0.2~0.8mm after tempering, and 8~20mm glass will be thinned by 0.9~1.8mm after tempering. The specific degree depends on the equipment, which is why tempered glass cannot be used as a mirror.4. The flat glass used for construction after passing through the tempering furnace (physical tempering) will generally be deformed, and the degree of deformation is determined by the equipment and technicians. To a certain extent, the decorative effect is affected (except for special needs).Tempered glass has good thermal stability and can withstand a temperature difference three times that of ordinary glass, and can withstand a temperature difference of 300°C.If you want to know more about tempered glass industry information, please log on to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge. //qjsoft.js.cn
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