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sound insulation glass

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce you to the sound insulation and heat insulation glass. The following content is organized by the editor, and the relevant content is for reference.Heat Reflective Coated GlassThe sound insulation glass is made by replacing the air in the insulation glass interlayer with gas such as helium, argon or sulfur hexanitride and using glass of different thicknesses. It has excellent sound insulation performance and thermal insulation performance in a wide range of channels. .Heat reflective glass is made by coating metal film, metal nitride film or metal oxide film on the glass surface by spray method and sputtering method. The glass reflects sunlight, creating a comfortable indoor environment while reducing air conditioning energy consumption in summer. In addition, due to the mirror effect of the metal film, the surrounding landscape will be presented on the glass, adding interest to the building and making it harmonious with nature.If you want to know more about the industry information of sound insulation glass, please log in to our official website and we will bring you more practical knowledge.//qjsoft.js.cn
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