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What is the diffe🍸rence betweenও insulating glass and laminated glass?[ 2021-06-08 ]
What is the difference between insulating glass and laminated glass?       Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today I would like to introduce to you what is the difference between i...
火狐体育app: Skill requirements for fireproof glass[ 2021-06-03 ]
Skill requirements for fireproof glassHello everyone, do you all know fireproof glass? Let me explain it to you in detail.      The fire resistance function of fireproof glass for const...
What problems𝓰 will be encountered when fireproof glass is used[ 2021-04-07 ]
What problems will be encountered when fireproof glass is usedHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce to you the problems encountered in the use of fireproof glass. The following con...
Tempered glass manꦦufacturers briefly describe what is the dirty thing on the glass 🎶that cannot be wiped off?[ 2021-01-12 ]
Tempered glass manufacturers briefly describe what is the dirty thing on the glass that cannot be wiped off?Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce to you what is the dirty thing on ...
The difference between normal white and sup🎐er white dimming glass[ 2021-01-05 ]
The difference between normal white and super white dimming glassHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. Today, I will introduce the difference between normal white and ultra-white dimming glass. The follow...
How to improv༺e theඣ safety of tempered glass? Come in to find out[ 2020-09-30 ]
How to improve the safety of tempered glass? Come in to find outHello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. A very effective measure to ensure the safety of tempered glass is to prevent the glass from falling o...
What problems should be paid attention to in the selection 💜and installation of artistic glass partitions?[ 2020-07-30 ]
What problems should be paid attention to in the selection and installation of artistic glass partitions?Hello everyone, I'm Xiaobian. The glass partition was originally an ordinary glass plate. A...
火狐体育app: 如何去区分超白玻璃跟普通玻璃有何不同?[ 2020-04-15 ]
说到超白玻璃,很多人都也很熟悉,也是火狐体育app 生活所常见到的一款晶莹剔透的玻璃。应用领域很广泛,一般会应用在显示屏和广告牌一些高科技的产品上,还会应用在一些高端的建筑场所,它里面有设计一些需要隔开但又要透明的空间作为...
火狐体育app: 使用这款中空玻璃都说好,中空百叶玻璃隔断新潮流[ 2020-04-15 ]
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